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Giovanni Mattiotti, 1450 c.ca

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excerpts from the Essays

In the monastery where Francesca lived from 1436 to 1440, two chambers are covered with beautiful frescoes, painted shortly after the saint's death. In one of the two, which used to be the old chapel of the monastery, the scenes feature twenty-six episodes of Francesca's life, particularly miracles, in stunning colours. The other series, instead, depicts ten among her 'battles' with evil entities, painted almost exclusively in green; probably such a cold colour was chosen to enhance the eerie feeling that the demons and other creatures from hell, which appear in each panel, should have stirred in those who viewed these paintings. In a corner, facing the monochrome paintings, is the door of Francesca's cell, built out of the internal space of the medieval tower after which the monastery was named.
the prodigy of the grapes, sprung to quench the saint's thirst

Francesca beaten by demons with dead snakes
In both chambers the frescoes carry a date: the one in the old chapel reads 1468, the other one 1485. The artist credited for them is Antoniazzo Romano (actual name: Antonio Aquili), considered the most outstanding 'fully roman' painter of those years, born in Rome and active in this city during the second half of the 15th century, but this attribution is still debated.
The two series are structured in a similar way: two rows (upper and lower) of adjoining rectangular panels, separated by an ornate frame. The scenes they depict are individual, each one referring to a specific episode or anecdote of the saint's life.

While most of the miracles (i.e. the coloured panels) are not mentioned in Father Mattiotti's essays, the monochrome ones feature episodes fully described in his work; the details match so closely the written account that the author of these frescoes may have likely been aware of the manuscript's contents.
In both sets of frescoes, short captions below each panel, i.e. two lines of text, describe the painted subject. They are written in early Italian, and sound very similar to the language, or early dialect, used for the compilation of Father Mattiotti's Essays. The similarity confirms that such language was commonly spoken in the second half of the 15th century. Fortunately, the frescos are very well preserved, and all the captions but four appear perfectly readable.
This page features a transcription of the captions, with a parallel translation. A few original ones are also shown, for reference.

Francesca heals a man's cancerated leg

  • All words have been left on the same line as the original ones, as long as they fit within the page's margins.
  • All abbreviated words have been spelt in full.
  • The letters in square brackets [ ] integrate some words misspelt in the painting's caption.
  • The letters or words in round brackets ( ) integrate small missing parts of the text, when clearly desumable, without any doubt.
  • The parts of a lost text no longer desumable are replaced by dots: . . . . . . .
  • The very scanty punctuation has been slightly integrated, for the sake of an easier understanding.
  • The subject of each coloured panel is introduced by a title, in italics, which does NOT belong to the original text.

  • Francesca's oblation

    Como la beata Francesca con tucte le soe figliole in cristo presente et future se offerivo allo mo
    nasterio de sancta Maria nova del ordine de monte oliveto socto la regola de sancto Benedecto
    How Blessed Francesca with all her disciples in Christ, present and future, offered herself to the
    monastery of Santa Maria Nova, of the Monte Oliveto order, under the rule of St.Benedict.

    vision of her oblation granted in heaven

    Como la gloriosa vergine matre de dio recipevo la beata Francesca per soa offerta et
    fecela comunicare et consacrare in cielo per le mano de sancto Pietro apostolo
    How the glorious Virgin, Mother of God, granted Blessed Francesca who offered herself, and
    had her receive Communion and be consecrated in heaven by the hand of St.Peter the apostle.

    vision of the Virgin's protection over the Congregation

    Como la beata Francesca fu acceptata sotto lo manto della matre de dio. Et le soe figliole in
    cristo fuorono ancora acceptate per offerte de essa gloriosa matre de dio
    How Blessed Francesca was admitted under the mantle of God's mother. And her disciples in
    Christ too, having offered themselves, were admitted by the glorious Mother of God.

    vision of Christ and of the Virgin

    Como la beata Francesca essendo nella visione divina lo onnipotente dio se degnavo de piglia
    re essa beata per la mano dextra dicendoli certe parole de infiammata carita
    How during Blessed Francesca's holy vision, God almighty deigned to take
    the Beate by the hand, speaking to her words of ardent charity.

    vision of the Virgin Mary, who lets Francesca hold the Baby Jesus

    Como spesse fiate essendo la beata Francesca nella beatifica visione lo eterno dio apparendoli
    nelle braccia della soa gloriosa vergine matre se degnava de venire nelle braccia de essa beata
    How several times, during Blessed Francesca's holy vision, the eternal God, appearing
    to her in the arms of his glorious Virgin Mother, deigned to be held by her.

    the miracle of the loaves

    Una die non essendo pane nella congregatione della beata Francesca se non certi pezzuoli sufficienti ad tre persone essa
    beata benedicendo lo dicto pane ne furono satiate essa co[n] xv soe figliole in cristo et radunavone pieno uno canestro de meso quarto
    One day, since there was no bread in Blessed Francesca's Congregation, except few small pieces enough for three persons,
    the Beate, by blessing the bread, had enough for herself and for 15 of her disciples in Christ, and filled with it a basket that weighed half a quarter.

    Francesca heals a foot

    Uno chiamato Iuliano tagliando le legna se tagliavo quasi tucto lo pede difra spatio de cinque mesi
    lo pede selli fractoavo recomandandose alla beata Francesca essa toccandolo subito fu sanato
    A man named Julian, while chopping wood, cut his foot off almost completely; after five months
    his foot broke; having pleaded to Blessed Francesca, as she touched him, he was instantly healed.

    sudden recovery of a cancerated leg

    Ad uno chiamato Ianni avendo per longa infirmita quasi perduta la gamma colla cossa
    et como fu racommandato alla beata Francesca subito fu liberamente sanato
    Having a man named John almost lost his leg and his shin due to a long-lasting disease,
    as soon as he pleaded to Blessed Francesca he was instantly healed.

    Francesca heals with the touch of her hand

    Uno chi[a]mato Thomao avendo lo gebbo como la beata France
    sca ce puse la mano subito fu liberato
    One man named Thomas who had a hunchback, as soon as Blessed Francesca
    lay her hand on it, he was instantly freed [= healed].

    Francesca brings to life again a drowned man

    Uno chiamato pavolo stando ad pigliare le legna cade in fiume et stava mesa hora et mesa sotto l'acqua · essendo puoi cac-
    ciato fore del acqua muorto la beata Francesca facendoli lo segno della croce fu resciuscitato
    A man named Paul who was collecting wood fell into the river, and remained there half an hour, and half an hour underwater,
    having beel pulled out dead, by making the sign of the cross upon him, was brought to life again.

    Francesca makes a dumb woman speak again

    Una chiamata camilla muta dalla soa nativitate como
    la beata Francesca li toccavo la lengua subito favellavo
    A woman named Camilla, dumb from birth, as soon as
    Blessed Francesca touched her tongue, immediately spoke.

    the grapes prodigy

    Como la beata Francesca essendo nella vigna dello mese de gennaro con octo soe figliole in cristo ad raccogliere li sarmenti
    le quale avendo gra[n]de sete dio miracolosamente fece nascere in quello die in una vite nove rampazzi de uva nera
    How since Blessed Francesca, who was in the vineyard with eight of her disciples in Christ collecting twigs,
    was very thirsty, on that day God made nine bunches of dark grapes grow miracolously on a vine.

    God's spirit over Francesca

    Quando la beata Francesca recipeva la sacro sancta comunione appareva sopra lo capo suo il
    nome Jesu infocato circundato de ragi de oro resplendenti
    When Blessed Francesca received Holy Communion, over her head the
    burning name of Jesus appeared, surrounded by glowing golden rays.

    the wine prodigy

    Avendo la beata Francesca data alli poveri una bocte de vino. puoi miracolosa
    mente fu trovata la dicta bocte piena de buono et optimo vino
    Having Blessed Francesca given to the poor a barrel of wine,
    the same barrel was later on found to be full of excellent wine.

    the wheat prodigy

    Similemente avendo la beata Francesca dato alli poveri certa solatura de grano remasa nello granaro. puoi miracolosamente
    fu trovato nello dicto granaro quaranta ruggia de buono et bellissimo grano
    In similar way, having Blessed Francesca given to the poor some remaining wheat left over in the granary,
    later on in the same granary forty rubbi [= 8 tons] of excellent wheat were found.

    instant healing of a wounded head

    Un altro chiamato Stephano essendo ferito nella testa era quasi morto et spedito dalli medici fu re -
    commandato alla beata Francesca essa toccando la testa subito fu sanato
    Another man called Stephen, being wounded in the head was almost dead, and having doctors given up on him, he was
    reccomended to Blessed Francesca: with a touch of her hand he was instantly healed.

    a young cripple healed

    Essendo per longa infirmita una chiamata Iacovella perduta dalla cintura co tucto lo resto delle parte
    i[n]feriore fu portata alla beata Francesca la quale ponendole la mano sopra le morte soe estremitate subito fu liberata
    Being a girl called Iacovella paralized from her waist and the rest of her lower body, due to a long disease,
    she was taken to Blessed Francesca, who placing her hand over her dead limbs freed [= healed] her at once.

    during her extasy, Francesca stays dry from water

    Giando la beata Francesca dent[r]o lo rivo della vigna soa fu rapita in extasi et inginochiavose dentro
    et rimasevi per uno longo spatio tornando in fine gessivo assucca como non avessi toccata acqua
    As Blessed Francesca entered the stream by the vineyard she fell in extasis, and knelt in it, and remained in it
    for a long time; and as she finally returned, she came out of it dry as if she had not touched the water.

    Francesca's son Evangelista appears to her

    Stando la beata Francesca in sancta meditatione li apparse Vangelista suo figliuolo con uno
    angilo dello secundo choro lo quale angilo remase et stecte continuamente con essa beata
    As Blessed Francesca was in holy meditation, her son Evangelista appeared to her with an
    angel of the second choir, who remained there, and permanently stayed with the beate.

    nine wounds healed

    Ad uno chiamato Pavolo fuoro date nove fe[r]ite che stava per morire como la beata Francesca li fece lo
    segno della croce fu subito sanato e remaseli lo segno della croce nello ginuochio finche visse
    A man called Paul received nine wounds, and he was on the point of dying; as Blessed Francesca made the sign
    of the cross to him, he was instantly healed, and he was left the cross-shaped scar on his knee as long as he lived.

    instant healing of a severed arm

    Tornando la beata Francesca dalla chiesia de sancto Ianni trovavo che nello ponte sancte Marie era taglia
    to ad uno quasi tucto lo braccio essa beata mossa ad compassione toccandolo subito fu sanato
    As Blessed Francesca was returning from the church of St.John, she met on St.Mary's Brisge a man, whose arm
    had been almost completely cut off; the beate, moved by compassion, touched him and he was instantly healed.

    Francesca heals an almost dead man
    [this panel has lost its caption]

    Essendo un altro chi. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . colpi nello capo che era appresso alla morte
    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . et fu liberato
    Having another man call(ed) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . blows in the head was almost next to death
    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . and was freed [= healed]

    the resuscitated child

    Essendo muorto uno fanciullo lo quale se era affocato la nocte adlato alla matre la quale recommandando
    con lacrime alla beata Francesca essa beata mossa ad compassione facta oratione toccandolo subito fu resuscitato
    As a child had died, having choked during night-time next to his mother, the latter pleaded to Blessed Francesca
    shedding tears; moved by compassion, after having prayed she touched him, and he was instantly resuscitated.

    Francesca's death

    Como lo eterno dio se degnavo de venire per pigliare la anima della beata Francesca
    quando se partivo dallo suo sacratissimo cuorpo
    How the eternal God deigned to come and take the soul of Blessed Francesca
    when she parted from her most sacred body.

    Francesca's funeral

    Essendo lo sacro sancto cuorpo della beata Francesca piu di sopra terra nella chiesia de sancta Maria nova alla quale concurrendo
        inumerabili puopoli per lo odore
    della soa sanctissima vita lo eterno dio se degnavo per li meriti de essa beata demustrare molti et stupe[n]di miracoli de varie et
        antiquate infermita · FINIS · MCCCCLXVIII
    As the sacred body of Blessed Francesca rested above ground, in the church of Santa Maria Nova, where a multitude of people gathered for the odour of her most saint life, the eternal God, for the beate's merits, deigned to perform many wondeful
        miracles upon [= by healing] various kinds of long-term illness · THE END · 1468

    vision of Hell

    NOTE: these lines are broken, and follow this direction:

    Como la beata Francesca fu menata in visione dal angilo Raphaele ad vedere
    mostravo in que muodo sonno punite et cruciate le anime per ciasche dun

    l'oribilità dello inferno
    peccato +
    How Blessed Francesca during her vision was led by angel Raphael to see
    he showed her in which way the souls are punished and tormented for each

    how horrible Hell is
    sin +




    Como la beata Francesca stando in sancta oratione li vennero certi maligni spiriti con molti sierpi morti
    in mano dextra essi sierpi fracidi asperissimamente battierono essa beata lassandola grandissima puzza
    How while Blessed Francesca was saying her holy prayers some evil spirits came to her with many dead snakes,
    and holding with their right hand those rotten snakes they beat the beate very harshly, leaving by her a terrible stench.

    Como la beata Francesca andando per scaldare una tegola per lo marito che stava infermo li apparse lo demonio in forma
    de serpente et langilo ne fece molti piezzi et tornando essa beata con la dicta tegola se scontrao con lo demonio in forma de rapace leone
    How while Blessed Francesca was going to warm a tile for her husband who was ill, the devil appeared to her taking the shape
    of a snake, and the angel tore it to pieces, and while the beate was returning with the tile she ran into the devil in the shape
        of an aggressive lion.

    Como la beata Francesca avevase grande et diabolica oppressione perche lo inimico della humana natura li porto
    uno cuorpo de homo muorto fracido pieno de vermi pigliando et sobolitando essa beata sopra lo dicto cuorpo muorto
    How Blessed Francesca was greatly and devilishly distressed, because the enemy of human nature carried
    the body of a dead man next to her, rotten and full of worms, grasping the beate and shoving her over this dead body.

    Como la beata Francesca stando in oratione nella soa cella li vennero certi demonii e con certi nervi de animali
    la battierono tanto crudelmente in muodo che se non fussi lo angelo perche continuamente con essa era assai piu la molestavano
    How while Blessed Francesca was praying in her cell, some demons came to her, and with scourges of animal hide they beat her
    with such cruelty that, had the angel who always stayed with her not been there, they would have tormented her much more.

    Como li maligni spiriti stracciarono alla beata Francesca certi libri de orationi
    et dapuoi strascinaro essa beata con grande terrore fore della sua cella
    How the evil spirits tore some prayer books of Blessed Francesca,
    and then, to her great terror, dragged her out of her cell.

    [this panel has lost its caption]

    Como lo maligno spirito . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
    delegare essa beata dice. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
    How the evil spirit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
    delegate the beate say. . . . . . . . . . . . . .

    Como una nocte andando la beata Francesca per scaldare certi panni (per) lo marito (che) stava infermo li vennero tre dia
    bolici spiriti in forma de religiosi con grande humilita per beffare essa beata et alla (fine) pa[r]tierono da essa beata tucti confusi
    How one night, while Blessed Francesca was going to warm some clothes for her husband who was ill, three devilish spirits came
    to her taking the shape of clergymen, with great humbleness, to mock the beate, and in the end they parted
        from her, very confused.

    Como lo demonio in forma de vipera dando alla beata Francesca grande
    affando li apparse sancto pavolo defendendola et gettando per via la dicta vipera
    How while the devil in the shape of a viper was putting Blessed Francesca in great
    distress, Saint Paul appeared to her, protecting her and throwing away the viper.

    page 1
    page 2
    excerpts from the Essays

    Meo Patacca, by G.Berneri

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