'MINERVA'S CHICK' the peculiar story of a popular statue |
THE TALKING STATUES OF ROME ancient spokesmen of the common people |
THE FLOODS OF THE RIVER TIBER memories of a centuries-old problem |
'NO DUMPING' BANS the troublesome disposal of garbage in 18th century Rome |
THE PASSETTO a special passage from the Vatican to Sant'Angelo Castle |
THE TIBER ISLAND the site where Rome worshipped Aesculapius |
ROME'S GHETTO the ancient Jewish district |
MID-DAY IN ROME the city's official timing |
WHEN MASTRO TITTA CROSSED THE BRIDGE public executions in 19th century Rome |
A NAUGHTY FOUNTAIN the scandal of the naked Naiads |
ROME'S CARNIVAL memories of a bygone tradition |
THE MAGIC DOOR and the alchemic circle of Villa Palombara |
ROME'S ROSE GARDEN and the Premio Roma contest |
THE BUSTS IN THE PINCIAN HILL GARDENS 228 personages who brought prestige to Italy |
THE PROPERTY PLAQUES and the galaxy of ancient organizations in Rome |
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