~ language and poetry ~
- 7 -

Cesare Pascarella

("The Discovery of America")

altre pagine:
page 1 . . . I - V
page 3 . . . XI - XV
page 4 . . . XVI - XX
page 5 . . . XXI - XXV
page 6 . . . XXVI - XXX
page 7 . . . XXXI - XXXV
page 8 . . . XXXVI - XL
page 9 . . . XLI - XLV
page 10 . . XLVI - L

- page 2 -




Basta, dunque, pe fà breve er discorso,
Va be', je fece er re, quer ch'ho promesso
Lo mantengo; ma, dice, ve confesso,
Che io nun ce vorrebbe avé rimorso;

Per cui, st'affare qui ha da fà er suo corso:
Perch'io, si governassi da me stesso,
Che c'entra? ve direbbe: annate adesso...
- Ma allora, fece lui, co' chi ho discorso?

Ma voi chi sête? er re o un particolare?
- Pe esse re so re, nun c'è quistione;
Ma mica posso fà quer che me pare.

Vor dì che voi portate li registri
De le spese, l'esatta relazione,
Che ve farò parlà co li ministri.


So, to make it short,
All right, said the king, I'll keep my promise
But I confess
That I wouldn't like to have any regret;

Therefore this matter should follow the usual procedure,
Because had I ruled by myself,
I would have surely told you to go at once...
- So then, he said, 1 to whom have I been talking?

Who are you? The king or a subject?
- As for being the king, I certainly am, no doubt,
But I can't simply do what I want.

Let's say that if you bring the account books,
And a detailed list of expenses,
I will have the ministers talk to you.

1. - i.e. Columbus said.


E li ministri de qualunque Stato
So' stati sempre tutti de 'na setta!
Irre orre... te porteno in barchetta,
E te fanno contento e cojonato.

E così lui: ce se trovò incastrato
A doveje pe forza daje retta,
Je fecero la solita scoletta,
Da Erode lo mannaveno a Pilato.

E invece de venì a 'na decisione,
- Sa? je fecero, senza complimenti
Qui bisogna formà 'na commissione.

Lei j'annerà a spiegà de che se tratta,
E, dice, quanno loro so' contenti,
Ritorni pure che la cosa è fatta.


The ministers of any country 1
Have always been tarred with the same brush!
Blah blah... they beat about the bush,
And they fool you, making you even feel happy.

The same happened to him; 1 he was forced
To accept their ideas,
They applied the usual routine with him,
He was pushed from pillar to post.

And instead of reaching a final decision,
- You know? they told him abruptly,
We need to form a committee.

You will explain them what's it all about,
And as soon as they are satisfied,
Come back, and everything will be settled.

1. - to Columbus.

1. - This sonnet, together with number IX, show how the people of Rome have always mistrusted their two main ruling classes – ministers and clergy.


Eh, giacchè ho fatto trenta, fece quello,
Be', dice, che vôi fà? famo trentuno.
Ci agnede, e se trovò in mezzo a un riduno
De gente che Dio sàrvete, fratello!

Lo teneveno lì come er zimbello!
L'interrogorno tutti, uno per uno,
E poi fecero, dice: - Sarv'ognuno,
Ma questo s'è svortato de cervello.

Lui parlava, ma manco lo sentiveno;
E più lui s'ammazzava pe scoprilla
E più quell'antri je la ricopriveno.

Ma lì, secondo me, ne li segreti
De quer complotto lì, ma manco a dilla,
C'era sotto la mano de li preti.


Since I'm in for a penny, he thought,
Well, what else can I do? I'll be in for a pound.
So he went there, finding himself at a meeting
Amidst awful people!

They kept teasing him!
One by one, each of them posed him questions,
And then they said: - Good Lord,
He's really gone nuts.

He spoke, but they didn't even listen to him;
And the more he raised his voice
The more the others covered it.

But, according to me, the hidden folds
Of that conspiracy, no need to say so,
Were in the hand of priests.


Ché mettetelo in testa ch'er pretaccio
È stato sempre lui, sempre lo stesso!
Er prete? È stato sempre quell'omaccio
Nimico de la patria e der progresso.

E in quelli tempi, poi, si un poveraccio
Se fosse, Dio ne scampi, compromesso,
Lo schiaffaveno sotto catenaccio,
E quer che'era successo era successo.

E si poi j'inventavi un'invenzione,
Te daveno, percristo, la tortura
Ner tribunale de l'inquisizione.

E 'na vorta lì dentro, sarv'ognuno,
La potevi tené più che sicura
Da fà la fine de Giordano Bruno.


'Ccause you ought to get it into your head that loathsome priests 1
Have always been the same kind of men!
The priest? He's always been a foe,
An enemy to progress and to the country.

And in those days, if a wretched guy
Had got, say, into trouble,
They would put him in chains,
And that was it.

And if you invented something new,
By Christ! You would have been tortured
By the Inquisition tribunal.

And once you had landed in there, oh dear,
You could take it for sure
That you would meet the same fate as Giordano Bruno. 2

1. - Still nowadays in Rome it is a common use to call "priests" or "loathsome priests" egoistic people, whose only goal, in any circumstance, is their own personal benefit.
2. - The philosopher Giordano Bruno was tried for heresy by the Inquisition, and was sentenced to be burnt at the stake, on February 17th, 1600.


Lui, defatti, se mésse in diffidenza;
E fece: dice, qui p'er vicinato
Se sente un po' de puzza d'abbruciato...
Ma fresca! dice, qui ce vo' prudenza.

Defatti tornò su da su' eccellenza,
Je fece: - Be', cos'hanno combinato?
- Eh, dice, sa? l'affare è un po' impicciato,
Ripassi un'antra vorta, abbia pazienza.

Ma lui pensò: ma qui giocamo a palla!
Ma qui me vonno mette ner canestro!
Ma sai che nova c'è? Mejo a piantalla!

La voleva piantà. Ma 'na matina,
Ma indovinece un po'? Nun je viè l'estro
De volè annà a parlà co' la regina?


So he became suspicious;
He said to himself: here around
Something smells fishy...
Damn! I need to be careful.

So he returned to His Majesty,
Asking him: - Well, what did they decide?
- Ah, you know, it's a rather complicated matter,
Please be patient, come back again another time.

But he thought: are we playing games?
They want to screw me!
You know what? I'd better dump everything.

He wanted to give up. But one morning,
Guess what! He had the idea
To go and talk to the queen.