~ language and poetry ~
- 7 -

Cesare Pascarella

("The Discovery of America")

altre pagine:
page 1 . . . I - V
page 2 . . . VI - X
page 3 . . . XI - XV
page 4 . . . XVI - XX
page 5 . . . XXI - XXV
page 6 . . . XXVI - XXX
page 7 . . . XXXI - XXXV
page 8 . . . XXXVI - XL
page 10 . . XLVI - L

- page 9 -




E lui fu accorto peggio d'un sovrano!
Li re, l'imperatori, le regine,
Te dico, je baciaveno le mano:
Le feste nun aveveno mai fine.

E da pertuttoquanto er monno sano,
Fino ar fine de l'urtimo confine,
Onori... feste... E dopo, piano piano
Cominciorno li triboli e le spine.

Ché l'invidiosi che, percristo, viveno
De veleno, ner vede uno ch'arriva
A fà quello che loro nun ci arriveno,

Je cominciorno come li serpenti,
Mentre che lui nemmanco li capiva,
A intorcinallo ne li tradimenti.


He was greeted better than a ruler!
Kings, emperors, queens,
You know, kissed his hands:
The celebrations were endless.

And all over the world, 1
Up to the furthermost boundary,
Honours... Celebrations... And then, little by little,
Problems and trouble began to rise.

Because the envious who - by Christ! - live on venom 2
In seeing someone attaining achievements
That they were unable to obtain,

Began acting like snakes,
While he was unaware of them,
Weaving treacherous plots against him.

✱ - 1939 edition:
Ché l'invidiosi che, 'gni giorno, viveno
Because the envious who every day live on venom

1. - The old world, i.e. Europe.
2. - Who only live on treachery, deceivement, misdeeds.


E lui, quello ch'aveva superato,
Ridenno, li più boja tradimenti
Der mare, de la terra, de li venti,
Coll'omo ce rimase massacrato.

E lui, quello ch'aveva straportato
Li sacchi pieni d'oro a bastimenti,
Fu ridotto a girà pe li conventi,
Cór fijo in braccio, come un affamato!

Er re (che lo ripossino ammazzallo
Dove sta) dopo tanto e tanto bene
Ch'aveva ricevuto, pe straziallo,

Co' l'antri boja ce faceva a gara.
E dopo aveje messo le catene,
Voleva fallo chiude a la Longara.


And he, who had survived,
Laughing, the worst betrayals
By the sea, by the land, by the winds,
Got slain by man.

And he, who had brought back
Ships full of sacks of gold,
Had to go begging from convent to convent,
Carrying his son, like a hungry man!

The king (may he be damned
Wherever he may be) after having received so much good,
Seemed to be having fun in destroying him

Together with all those infamous people.
And after having him in chains,
He wanted to lock him up in prison. 1

1. - Literally "wanted to lock him up in the Longara". "Longara" refers to Rome's main prison, Regina Coeli, in via della Lungara, in Trastevere district, below the Janiculum Hill.


Ma come? Dopo tanto e tanto bene,
M'avressi da bacià dove cammino,
E invece? Me fai mette le catene?
Me tratti come fossi un assassino?

E tu sei Gasperone... Spadolino...
E che ci avrai, percristo, ne le vene?
Er sangue de le tigre? de le jene!
E che ci avrai ner core? Er travertino?

Ma come?! Dopo tutto quer ch'ho fatto,
Che t'ho scoperto un monno e te l'ho dato,
Mo' me voi fà passà pure pe matto?

Ma sarai matto tu, brutto impostore,
Vassallo, porco, vile, scellerato;
Viè de fora, che me te magno er core!


How is it possible? After so many good deeds,
You should kiss the ground where I lay my feet,
Instead? You have me in chains!?
You treat me as if I were a criminal!

You are a brigand... a bandit... 1
By Christ! What runs in your veins?
A tiger's blood? The blood of a hyaena! 2
What's your heart made of? Travertine? 3

How come?! After I did all those things for you,
I discovered a new world and I gave it to you,
Now you even want others to think I'm crazy?

You are the crazy one, evil fraud,
Scoundrel, pig, coward, wretch;
Come out, I want to tear you to pieces! 4

✱ - 1939 edition:
E che sangue ci avrai drento a le vene?
What kind of blood runs in your veins?

1. - The names in the original version are those of famous brigands who haunted the countryside in the 19th century.
2. - Hyaenas are popularly reputed as vicious creatures, since they feed on dead animals and their cry is similar to a sinister laugh.
3. - A kind of marble extensively used in Rome, whose quarries are located in the city's surroundings.
4. - Literally, I want to eat your heart out.  Who speaks is getting more and more excited, and uses expressions that were likely heard in taverns, when a brawl was about to break out.


Cusì j'avrebbe detto a quel'ingrato.
Invece quello, quello ch'era un santo,
Rimase fermo lì, cor core sfranto,
Senz'uno che l'avesse consolato.

E quelli che je s'erano rubato
La scoperta, l'onori, tutto quanto,
Nun je diedero pace, insino a tanto
Che loro non lo veddero schiantato.

Eh, l'omo, tra le granfie der destino,
Diventa tale e quale a un giocarello
Che te capita in mano a un ragazzino:

Che pô esse er più bello che ce sia,
Quando che ci ha giocato un tantinello,
Che fa? lo rompe, e poi lo butta via.


All this he would have said to that ungrateful man.
Instead he, who was as good as a saint,
Stood still, with a broken heart,
Without anybody there to cheer him up.

And those who had stolen from him
The discovery, honours, everything,
Kept tormenting him, up to the moment
They saw him collapse.

Ah, man, siezed by the claws of destiny,
Becomes just like a toy
That ends up in the hands of a child:

However amusing it may be,
When he has played with it for a while,
What does he do? He breaks it, and then throws it away. 1

1. - This bitter remark over human destiny is similar to the one Belli described in his sonnet The Philosophizing Barman.


E poi sêmo sur solito argomento,
Ch'hai voja a fà, ma l'omo è sempre quello!
Ponno mutà li tempi, ma er cervello
De l'omaccio ci ha sempre un sentimento.

Ma guarda! Si c'è un omo de talento,
Quanno ch'è vivo, invece de tenello
Su l'artare, lo porteno ar macello,
Dopo more, e je fanno er monumento.

Ma quanno è vivo nu' lo fate piagne,
E nun je fate inacidije er core,
E lassate li sassi a le montagne.

Tanto la cosa è chiara e manifesta:
Che er monumento serve per chi more?
Ma er monumento serve per chi resta.


And this is a common topic,
You just can't help it, man will never change!
Times may change, but the thoughts
Of an evil man are always the same.

What a shame! If there's a talented man,
While he's alive, instead of
Being worshipped, he gets slaughtered,
Then, once he's dead, a monument is built for him.

Don't make him cry while he's alive,
And don't anguish his heart,
And leave stones in the mountains. 1

After all, it's plain and simple:
Are monuments of any use to those who die?
Monuments are clearly for those who survive.

1. - Stones for building the monument.